PRIMARY 2, 3, 4. A game for practising with wild animals. CLIC on the image.
Un xogo para practicar cos animais salvaxes. Facede CLIC na imaxe.

PRIMARY 2, 3, 4. CLIC on the image and you can learn the names of many wild animals. More than we've learnt in our classes.
Fai CLIC na imaxe e poderás aprender os nomes de moitos animais salvaxes. Máis dos que temos aprendido na clase.

PRE, 1, 2. Let's take a walk around the farm. What can you see? What can you hear? Good bye elephant. Elephant? On the farm?

Imos dar un paseo pola granxa. Que ves? Que escoitas? Adeus elefante. Elefante? Na granxa?

And now let's sing with old Mc. Donald's song and his farm animals.
E agora a cantar coa canción do vello Mc. Donald e os animais da súa granxa. PRE, 1. Enter this easy game for very early learners. Sure they'll have fun with farm animals.

Entra neste sinxelo xogo para pequeniños. Seguro que o han pasar moi ben cos animais da granxa.

Then help Dora and her friends with their work in a farm.
Logo axuda a Dora e aos seus amigos co trballo na granxa.
PRIMARY 1,2. ANIMALS. Enjoy matching the pictures and the names. Listen and learn.

ANIMAIS. Pásao ben relacionando as imaxes cos nomes. Escoita e aprende.

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