3º/4º PRIMARY. Practice your reading, listening and writing with these activities about TIME.
Practicade a lectura, audición e escrita con estas actividades sobre as horas.

3º/4º PRIMARY. Here you are some games to practice telling the TIME.
Aquí tendes algúns xogos para practicar a dicir as HORAS.
3º/4º PRIMARY. Click on the image and discover some nice interactives to practice TIME.
Fai CLIC na imaxe e descubre unhas bonitas actividades para practicar o tempo.

Move the arrows and set the clock in time.
Move as agullas e pon o reloxo en hora.
With this interactive book learn the time in English and some daily routines.
Con este libro interactivo aprende as horas en inglés e algunhas rutinas diarias.
Can you help the man cross the bridge? Try this game and practice the hours in English.
Podes axudar ao home a cruzar a ponte? Proba este xogo e practica as horas en inglés.

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